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SAT Institute - USA


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About Our Events

Seekers After Truth Programs -- Empower Your Spirit


SAT Programs 1-4: Developed over 40 years, Dr. Claudio Naranjo’s world renowned program,
Seekers After Truth (SAT), is an experiential, psycho-spiritual journey that approaches human
development from contemplative, therapeutic, & somatic arts perspectives. The foundation
for all 4 SAT modules is meditation: from mindfulness, to one-pointedness, to inquiry into direct contact

with consciousness itself. SAT encompasses self-knowing through Naranjo's Psychology of the Enneatypes,

the liberation of expression through Therapeutic Theater, the working through

of one’s most significant relationships from early attachments to adult partnerships,

& the immediacy of Gestalt therapy. Rounding out the program, SAT somatic modalities

invite participants to embody spontaneity & instinct. SAT conveys participants along
a transpersonal path toward self-awareness, the awakening of authenticity and one's true
nature, and the expansion of compassion, wisdom, & freedom.

Naranjo describes the SAT Program as

“… a university for love & global consciousness.”

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July 16th 3:00 PM - July 25th 5:00 PM, 2019

The 9½ day retreat imparts Claudio Naranjo’s pioneering approach to the Psychology of the Enneatypes
& the 27 Subtypes. Naranjo’s world class team safely guides the work in an ambience of "mutual support”.
Together, Seekers recognize & challenge conditioned personality, discovering broader possibilities in a
psychotherapeutic laboratory”. Participants are introduced to Buddhist, Theraveda Vipassana as well as
Naranjo's interpersonal meditation. Self-knowledge through the clarifying lens of the enneagram is catalyzed
by Therapeutic Theater & Essential Clown work, as well as daily Authentic Movement processes. The synergy of exploring
personality, vitality, creativity, embodiment, compassionate listening, & authentic communication, leads
participants to insight & transformation.

For more information check out our Spotlight Page at the International Enneagram Association website.

And don't forget to register! 

Click Here

Betina Waissman

Teacher Authentic Movement, Spain, Mexico, Brazil. Faculty international program Circles of Four – the Discipline of Authentic Movement, guided by Janet Adler. Psychotherapeutic training Reichian Therapy & Rio Abierto System. Faculty Estudio Corazza para el Actor, Madrid. Street Theater Tá na Rua. Sociologist. SAT collaborator since 1992, Betina skillfully imparts Naranjo’s Psychology of the Enneatypes & joyfully leads Authentic Movement.

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Alain Vigneau

Internationally recognized Master Clown. Author The Essential Clown: the Art of Laughing at Yourself. Founder: “La Stavagante” Theater Company. Co-founder: Center for Consciousness & Stage Arts, México. Subject of a documentary film in production: "BRIN d'Amour". Performances with NGO, Clowns Without Borders: Namibia, Guatemala, Indonesia & Theater Festivals, Spain, Venezuela, Gabon, etc.. Alain lovingly guides SAT’s Therapeutic Clown work — a compassionate fusion of Clown, Integrative Psychotherapy & Gestalt.

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Juan Carlos Corazza

Theater Director, Acting Teacher & Coach. Founder: Estudio Corazza para el Actor, Madrid, an internationally recognized acting school. Directs his own theater company: Teatro de la Reunión. Coach to Javier Bardem for roles in “No Country for Old Men”, “Beautiful”, “Skyfall”, etc.. Longtime collaborator in Naranjo’s SAT, Juan integrates Therapeutic Theater, Group Process & Gestalt, dynamically facilitating healing explorations beyond conditioned behavior.

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$3495 (tuition + accommodation + meals)

$3195 paid in full by May 31st, 2019

(Some partial scholarships/work study/payment plans available. Please contact us to inquire.)


Hold your Double (while they last) with a $450.00 non-refundable deposit

Accommodations: Doubles & Triples, all with bathroom en suite

  • Doubles (1st registered & paid, 1st assigned)

  • Some singles, by special arrangement - additional fee

  • TO REGISTER please e-mail us at: & make payment by one of the methods described below. We will send you further details & your official registration form.


We have endeavored to find the easiest & most economical methods of payment. With the exception of US checks, all payment vendors charge transaction fees which are the responsibility of the participant. Your registration will be complete once we confirm via e-mail the amount received.

Please explore the above options to determine what will work best for you. Thank you!

  • Pay via US Check -- preferred form of payment - make payable to "SAT Institute"

    • Mail to: SAT Institute
      C/O Kimmi Hoang
      1509 S. Novato Blvd. #22, Novato, CA 94947  USA


  • Pay via this website using "Register Now" button below - participant responsible for additional fees of 2.9% + 30¢ (international payors may incur both an additional 1% Int'l card fee & 1% currency conversion fee)

  • Pay via International & U.S bank wires available - additional US $10 charged by our bank + fees charged by your bank (e-mail us for bank details)

  • Pay via PayPal - participants responsible for all additional fees [approximately 2.9% + 35¢ for US based payments + in US, if using credit card, an approximately 1% cr crd fee will apply. Int'l payments may incur variable credit card fees + an additional currency exchange rate fee of 1.5%]. To pay go to your PayPal account & Send money to:


  • Pay via TransferWise -- may be both easiest & most economical for Int'l payors (Payor must set up a TransferWise account to make payment to SAT Institute account. Transfer may take up to a week). E-mail us for our TransferWise account details.


Cynthia Merchant, MFT, SEP


30 year student of Dr. Claudio Naranjo, international facilitator & SAT collaborator. Cynthia is a Somatic Psychotherapist in private practice in Berkeley, California, specializing in Somatic Experiencing® for the treatment & resolution of trauma.

About Me

Contact Us

Cynthia Merchant, MFT, SEP - Coordinator SAT Institute

SAT INSTITUTE, C/O Kimmi Hoang, 1509 S. Novato Blvd. #22, Novato, CA 94947  USA

You can use the form below to contact us, or come say hi and like us on Facebook! Click here.


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